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Donate now and change lives

Nutrition has a tremendous impact on health outcomes for people with disabilities. This holiday season, show you care with a gift to help children and adults who need it

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Since 1975, Home and Community Options has been committed to improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities in our community. Our work centers around caring for the whole person, and that includes basic needs. Many children and adults that HCO serves are at (or below) the poverty level. Things like medication, clothing, and housing are often a struggle – so is access to healthy, nutritious food.

With inflation continuing to skyrocket, nutritious meals made with quality ingredients have quickly become financially out of reach for those we serve. After paying for necessities like rent, utilities, and medications, those we serve often find themselves without the resources they need to buy and prepare healthy meals. In addition, there is not enough funding available in the rates HCO receives to pay for more expensive grocery items such as meat, eggs, and fresh produce, drastically impacting our ability to teach children and adults essential life skills like ingredient preparation and cooking.

Nutrition has a tremendous impact on health outcomes for people with disabilities. That’s why we have spent the past six months establishing partnerships with local vendors and developing new systems that will strengthen how we tackle the effects of food disparity for the individuals with disabilities we serve. Now, we need your help. Your holiday gift can help us purchase grocery items locally and in large quantities; it can ensure we will have the proper storage to keep ingredients fresh and provide critical training and education to help improve the health outcomes of those we serve.

This holiday season, you can make a difference in someone’s life. Partner with us today, and help us change lives.